First post from the second leg of the journey, and it's from an internet cafe just off Khaosan Road in Bangkok. I have 8 minutes, and counting! So what are the first impressions? Well, it's more like Tangier than Marrakech. Working buildings, glass and steel offices, crumbling concrete tenements that are, nevertheless, attractive, big old cars. There are many trees, and we've just eaten under one

of them, a bo tree in the yard of Ranee's restaurant. Here we saw our first long-standing hippy resident, sitting at a table, wearing fisherman's trousers, a striped shirt and fearsome dreads. The Khaosan road is fascinating - very international in many ways. Tomorrow we'll explore; tonight we sleep in the snug wood-lined room in Buddyhotel with the a/c on "high". It's all very amazing!!
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